Casting alloys: the saga of their existence and the recipe of their blend

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Guduri Vineeth, MDS
Rama Krishna Alla, MSc PhD
Srinivasa Raju D, MDS
Suresh Sajjan M C, MDS MBA
Ramaraju A V, MDS
Harika Yeleti, MDS


Though a variety of metals and combinations have been in use since decades in the field of dentistry, there are only a few which have sustained the challenges of evolving material science. The history of these alloys, their constituent metals and properties impart the rationale of their use both in the past and advancing future perspectives. Also bearing the environmental hazards in laboratory and clinical environments, safe levels of exposure to these alloys and aspects of selecting the best option among the different alternatives is important.

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How to Cite
Vineeth, G., Alla, R. K., D, S. R., M C, S. S., A V, R., & Yeleti, H. (2019). Casting alloys: the saga of their existence and the recipe of their blend. International Journal of Dental Materials, 1(1), 25–35.

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